The Reel Girls Film Festival is the first-ever all-girls international student film festival, devoted entirely to encouraging and supporting young female filmmakers.
The Reel Girls Film Festival believes that a community devoted to young female filmmakers allows them to thrive and develop their unique voices and visions, these are the roots for establishing gender equality in the film industry.
There are 24 male directors
for every 1 female director (1)
Women are underrepresented in the film industry. Similar to findings within the STEM fields, to obtain more gender equality in film, girls need to
​Be exposed to female role models in the industry
Receive early exposure and develop a sense of "female belongingness" (2)
This is exactly what The Reel Girls Film Festival does!

(1)There Are Almost 24 Male Directors for Every Female Director in Hollywood Vanity Fair
2) Bridging the gender gap: why do so few girls study Stem subjects? The Guardian